Jacob Bethem
Jacob Bethem is a 24 year old trader/coach living in VA. He graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University May of 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Jacob works for HCA Healthcare on a Cardiac Step-Down Unit. He was introduced to both Chart Addicts and trading at the same time in 2020 and my passion for trading was strengthened through Chart Addicts pretty quickly. I saw how dedicated the members and coaches were and I saw some serious value through having a personal coach. Since then I have engulfed myself in the endless material CA has to offer. With the help of my mentors and coaches I have gained through CA, I have learned a lot of valuable information and developed a passion for the markets that continues to grow. I want to share that passion with you and also share the same encouragement, energy and guidance my mentors show me. I’m here for you and to help you achieve your goals. I want to be available for you to ask any questions you might have during the start if your trading journey because I know there will be a lot. The less confusion you have about the markets the more clear your focus will be and I’m here to clear that confusion. I’m excited to speak with you all and I appreciate your time.